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Tattoo Forms and Waivers Required for Clients

Between 2016 and 2021, the market size of the tattoo industry has grown by 3.1% per year. In addition, it’s expected to increase by 6.6% in 2021 alone!

As tattoos have become more mainstream, you might’ve already noticed that this is quite a lucrative career. Plus, you can express your creative side, so getting into the tattoo industry is a win-win.

But as with any business, there’s paperwork you have to deal with. You must have tattoo forms for your customers so you’re compliant with various laws.

If this has you worried about roadblocks in opening your new tattoo parlor, don’t be. We’re here to explain what you need and how we at Daysmart Body Art can help!

The Tattoo Forms You Need

First, let’s start with a list of the forms you’ll need to provide your customers. They will ensure that you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s.

Tattoo Consent Form

This is one of the most important forms a customer can sign. It might seem obvious that they want a tattoo at the time, but you never know if they’ll turn around and say they didn’t actually want it.

To cover your business, you need to have every customer sign a tattoo consent form. This will tell them everything they need to know about health and safety concerns, regarding both the tattoo itself and your tattoo parlor. By signing this form, they indicate that they’re fully informed of these risks and that they accept them.

You’ll also need tattoo consent forms for minors in some cases. This is pretty similar to a regular consent form, except the minor will need their parent or legal guardian to sign off on the tattoo as well.

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