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Top Tips to Target Male Clientele in Your Salon This Father’s Day

Marketing to women for a Father’s Day gift is part of the process of getting clients through the door. But, you’ll want to target your hair salon for men too. At a time where many are still uneasy to take the leap into public spaces due to COVID-19 fears, casting out every campaign you can is a smart strategy. To ease fears, be sure you are educating clients on your “new normal” safety and cleaning protocols at your salon with proper marketing communications.

There will certainly be an increase of men with the desire to “fix” their at home COVID hair cuts which will likely provide everyone in your salon a well deserved giggle. Take these at home haircuts as an opportunity to connect with your male clients about how they managed through the pandemic and reinforce how you can help make sure the regrettable home haircut can be avoided in the future (with you as his new stylist). He might have been confident that he could do it all on his own, but we are all learning one bad hair cut at a time that we are all in this together.

hair salon for men

Every salon markets to women. When it comes to their male counterparts, they are often left out of the equation. After all, it’s women who spend the most money, right? Well, no. Though men may not visit salons as often as women, they spend the same.

Marketing your hair salon for men will not only will it boost your bottom line, but you’ll reap the rewards with some new loyal customers.

Here are some tips on getting some men through the door for Father’s Day, and keep them coming back.

Hair Salon For Men – Top Tips to Target Male Clientele:

Let Them Find Your ‘Hair Salon For Men’ Online

The first place these new clients will go to find you is with a search on google to find “salons near me”, this keyword is entered into google 2.7 million times a month. Be prepared for increased traffic to your website and be sure your google ‘my business’ account has been updated with accurate address, phone number and link to your website. Additionally, once new users arrive at your website there are a few things you can do to capture new business.

15 miles is the typical stretch they will travel. Advertise your Father’s Day specials on your website or social media sites.

This way, online searchers will find your convenient location, too. Adding a complimentary perk for first-time clients is a hit with any customer.

For example, a free goodie bag or half-off a salon treatment with a haircut will entice them.

male hair salon local listing

Find Your Neighborhood Men

We know that 70% of walk-in customers are men. They need a haircut, and they’ll pull in the first place they see.

Give them a reason to find you first. Create some simple, outdoor signage offering men’s specials for Father’s Day. The signs can come out days before the holiday.

For pedestrian traffic, merchandise some men’s products outside the salon. Men will size you up from what they see, so using neutral colors and organic materials work best.

Use wooden crates rather than baskets. And, burlap rather than a fancy table cover. Then, add some high-end shaving products.

Offer What They Want

When you target male clientele, you’ll need to remember what they want. Most will want to get service quick and easy. Time savings is why men are walk-in clients.

“I want a haircut, and I want it now”. Offer your Father’s Day clientele a few afternoons during the week just for them. “Walk-In services for Dad” is right up their alley.

For your “Dad” days, prepare some snacks or reading materials in case there’s a wait. They may not be as patient as your women customers!

Offer What They Need

Though men’s services are necessary, men also appreciate value from them. They don’t mind paying a bit more for it.

Surveys show that men’s biggest frustration is their hair. They need help. An offer of shaping up their coif is a good reason they’ll come to you. They are also more receptive to changes than other customers.

But, they also want to fit in. An ad which says, “If your hair shows up before you do, we can help” appeals to eliminating their daily frustration.

Specials for Dads

There’s no doubt that Dads need love, too. The details you’ll create may appeal to women for gifts.

They should also be something Dad will appreciate and use. Pre-packages of products with a certificate for a free haircut. A spa service that fits both the giver and receiver.

A gift of a free salon shave and facial with your high-end shave butter works great. For those with beards, a free trim or neck trim.

A consult on a new look is something men and women find valuable and useful. Add a how-to-guide on your Facebook page, and you are sure to get responses.

The guide will alert customers to your great specials. Advertise the specials online and outside the front door.

hair salon for men

Find Some Partners

Salon owners can find partners when they target male clientele, too. “Piggy-back marketing” is a way for both you and another business to get customers.

For example, run a contest on your Facebook page for Father’s Day. Offer a prize from a men’s store, sports bar, or golf range.

This gift, along with some of your services gives Dad both what he likes and needs. What kind of contest? The dad who needs a makeover the most, for example.

To make it fun, let the kids nominate their Dad!

hair salon men

Let the Kids Tell the Truth

Speaking of the kids, Mom’s are out shopping with little ones in tow for Father’s Day. Give them the perfect experience.

Offer blank cards for kids to write a message for dad’s gift. And, show customers the best notes you see.

“Dad, here’s a free shave. You need it bad.” “Dad, your face looks mad. Here’s a facial.”

You can use a chalkboard to highlight suggestions, and they’re sure to inspire more.

Make sure to show them on your Facebook page, too. And, the kids will delight in seeing their Dad enjoying the service they choose.

Target Your Hair Salon For Men To Gain Loyal Customers

When we take care of our loyal customers, the idea is loyalty. And, when we target male clientele, it is no different. When it comes to returning to a merchant, every customer needs help.

Help them with their services as though it’s a long-term deal. Ask them how often they need a haircut.

If they are using spa services, tell them how often to return. Or, let them know what the usual customer prefers.

They see this as helpful instruction, which everyone needs. Some products offer direction “for best results”. So should you with your services.

Don’t let all your hard work go to waste! Try our free software trial here. And, read more salon tips on our blog.

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