Join us as we recap Q1 and see how DaySmart Spa is helping you achieve your business goals as we move into spring.
Q1 is drawing to an end, and it’s been a busy one! At DaySmart Spa, we strive to improve our software to help elevate your business and achieve the success you deserve. In addition, we regularly speak to spa owners like you and research common pain points to provide you with actionable tips and strategies to grow your client base, market your services, and boost your income.
Let’s take a look back at what resources are available for you to date.
January Highlights: Leveraging the 2025 Trends
A new year brings exciting new trends, and we really started out with a bang! Among the insightful responses you gave us in our spa customer survey, you told us 26% of you grew your business last year by adding new services, while 13% used new technology, and a further 13% leveraged client reviews. What’s more, 65% of you anticipate growth in 2025 by adding new services, while 35% will focus on marketing, and 31% will hire more staff. Go spa professionals!
By combing through the data, we were also able to identify the top 4 spa business trends to watch in 2025, namely:
✨ 1. Adopting new technology to innovate and grow
✨ 2. Using positive online reviews to strengthen the brand
✨ 3. Online visibility for maximum scheduling and flexibility
✨ 4. Introducing surcharging to cover card processing fees
This information was far too good to keep to ourselves and, since we really want your spa to succeed, we packaged it into a handy Trends 2025 Report and added tips and ideas for you to leverage these trends and give your spa a glow-up over the next 12 months.
February Highlights: Growing Your Business with Valentine Marketing
Love it or hate it, flowers, chocolate, and those little heart emojis seem to be everywhere throughout February 🫶 Nevertheless, Valentine’s Day is definitely a trend worth jumping on in the spa industry. We showed you how to use it to your advantage in our blog post 11 Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Spa.
We also created a blog post on Finding the Right Spa Management Software For Your Needs and a more in-depth buyer’s guide for new spa owners or professionals struggling to manage their day-to-day with their current software (or—gasp!—for those still using pen and paper). This guide tackles common concerns spa professionals tend to have and includes a list of top features to look out for, key questions to ask software providers before a move, as well as expert advice and recommendations.
At DaySmart Spa, we regularly speak to spa owners like you and research common pain points to provide you with actionable tips and strategies to grow your client base, market your services, and boost your income.
March Highlights: Exploring the Power of Client Reviews
🗣️ Word of mouth is where it’s at, which is why we really homed in on this topic throughout the whole month. You can spend a ton of money on paid advertising, invest time and effort on a beautiful marketing campaign, or immerse yourself in social media but the truth is that your existing clients are the key to growing your business and attracting new clientele.
Did you know the purchase likelihood of a product with 5 reviews is 270% greater than a product with no reviews?
We’ve got the numbers to prove it! For example, did you know…?
💡 91% of millennials trust reviews as much as friends and family – Qualtrics
💡 89% of clients won’t take action until they read a company’s reviews – Qualtrics
💡The purchase likelihood of a product with 5 reviews is 270% greater than a product with no reviews 😱 – Medill Spiegel Research Center
There’s no doubt that it pays to show a little TLC to your spa reviews. Learn how to maximize client feedback to grow your business and your brand in our free e-book. In a rush? Take a look at our blog Why Client Reviews Can Help Make or Break Your Spa Business or watch our bitesize on-demand webinar, hosted by Beauty Marketing Director Andrea Miller, to understand the importance of good reputation management.
What to Expect from DaySmart Spa in Q2
We’re already working hard on material and interesting topics that will make your spa business stand out. From e-books to blog posts to webinars, stay tuned for more content designed to help boost your business—and your wallet!
✨🖥️ Create a website that wows this spring with DaySmart Salon’s Simple Website Builder.