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5 Tips for Opening a Luxury Day Spa

Wellness has a market value and it’s on the up. Since 2015 when it was worth 166.6 billion dollars it’s been steadily rising. The health and wellness market in the United States reached an amazing $12 billion in 2020. 

Thinking about opening a spa? Read on to learn everything you need to know.

Opening a Spa – Everything You Need To Know

1. It’s a Business

Whatever your motivation for opening a luxury spa you have to remember it’s a business. Like any other business, you have to get the financial aspect of the business right or it will fail.

Start by creating a serious business plan. You need to make some decisions about your future business. For a start, what will your business deliver?

It may help to check out the competition. What services are already being delivered? Are they meeting the demand or is there still some capacity in the market for more providers?

Get a massage or another treatment from establishments in your area to gauge how good the opposition is. Check out what their prices are and who their customers are.

You should make some decisions about what services you propose to offer. This will help determine what space, equipment, and skills you will need. You may need to hire people or start working alone.

Decide who your customers are likely to be. Where do they live and what are they looking for from a spa? How much are they willing to pay for your services?

Plan your expected costs and revenues. A business plan must address these financial aspects if you are going to be profitable. You may need to raise some finance in the form of loans, and you’ll need to demonstrate to your lender that you have a plan that looks credible.

2. Opening a Spa – Location, Location, Location

Deciding the location of your spa is a fundamental decision that can be the make or break of your spa business. If you are not familiar with the area then you may need the advice of a real estate broker. In any event, get to know the community.

Consider how your customers will get to your spa. Will they use public transport or will they drive? Are there adequate transport facilities and parking?

The surroundings make a difference to your prospective customers’ perception of your business. A run-down, poorly lit area may be cheap to buy or lease but most potential customers will be put off. Look for an attractive area, preferably with retail rather than commercial neighbors.

Any decisions you make about location will also influence your opening hours. A retail location may be lively and welcoming in the evening. A commercial location will probably leave your business isolated and remote in the evening.

The spa services you have decided to offer will dictate the suitability of the property you consider. You will need space for a reception area. You may need a retail space, treatment rooms, a salon area, and perhaps other facilities.

Installing a sauna, jacuzzi, or other equipment needs suitable electrical and plumbing services. Consider restrooms, an administration office, and changing rooms too. If you are going to have employees, they may need an employee break room.

Check the terms of any lease in detail. You don’t want to find out later that you have expensive obligations that may damage your business viability.

spa location


3. Get Good People

Your staff can be a huge headache or a source of joy. You need them to grow your business but they do come with an added challenge. As far as your customers are concerned, your employees represent your business so they have to be professional and personable. 

It’s tempting to recruit people with the skills to deliver the services your spa needs to offer. A qualification in electrolysis or hydrotherapy treatments may be what you are looking for but don’t forget customer service skills and spa-side manner.

Select employees that will reflect the values and ethos of your business. If your brand is about customer care and exceptional service, then select people who have a track record of this behavior. These attitudes are vital for your business’s success.

The spa business is one where the therapies and services are always changing. Customers want the latest techniques. Recruit people who have a track record of staying up to date with the latest trends and techniques.

spa staff

4. Equipped to Succeed

You will need to get the right equipment to deliver your services. Don’t limit your thinking to the most obvious spa equipment. You will need some much less obvious equipment.

Technology is vital for any business. Getting the right computer equipment and software can make your marketing and customer experience so much better. Just consider how you would handle some of the basic administration without a dedicated software solution.

Scheduling clients and employees, keeping records of your clients and their details, sending out marketing communications and social media promotions are all supported by specialist spa software solutions. You may want your own website and allow clients to book online.

Accounting, employee records, and payroll are all software that any business with people have to consider.

Other equipment that may not be specifically spa related includes decor and furniture. The decor and furniture create a mood that communicates your brand. They aren’t just functional.

You may consider having an interior designer create a bespoke look and feel for your spa. A luxurious spa has to exude luxury in flooring, furnishings, and color scheme, too.

Spa Software Mobile Apps


5. Marketing Matters

When you have decided what services you will offer, decide on your marketing strategy. Being consistent is key. Have a clear brand with a limited range of colors, logos, fonts, and even a consistent style.

Have signage at your spa location, your website, and fliers all reflecting the same brand image. It will have more impact and will communicate your credibility.

Have your marketing reflect what you decided about who your customers were likely to be. If they are local to your location, then put flyers in every local mailbox. If people are likely to travel from further afield then consider press advertising.

Opening a Spa

After all the hard work you’ve done to prepare to launch your business, you deserve a celebration. Opening a spa is an opportunity to throw a party. Invite potential customers and start making bookings.

Learn more about how business software can help your spa business.

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